5 Podcasts Event Planners Should be Following

Whether you are looking for a bit of business inspiration or just looking to pass your time while commuting or working out, podcasts are a great way to fill and pass your time while gaining some insightful information.

What is a podcast you ask? Put simply, podcasts are audio or video episodic content that you can subscribe to and/or download.

To help you figure out which podcasts are actually worth your time, we polled five event planners. See our recommendations below:

  1. Escape from Cubicle Nation

    Escape from Cubicle Nation with Pam Slim offers “advice, support and encouragement to stop being a corporate prisoner and start your own business.” The vast library of sessions include interviews with some small business greats like Guy Kawasaki, with archived podcasts dating back to 2006.

  2. StartUpNation Radio

    Hosted by the Sloan brothers and boasting the tagline, “Everything you need to build a business,” StartUpNation Radio podcasts provide entrepreneurs and small business owners with actionable suggestions for launching and building a small business.

  3. The Ultimate Entrepreneur 

    In The Ultimate Enterpreneur, Jay Abraham talks with some of the biggest names in business like Mark Cuban, Tony Robbins and Ramit Sethi about everything related to growing a successful business.

  4. The School of Greatness

    School of Greatness shares inspiring stories not just from brilliant business minds, but world class athletes and influential celebrities, as well. All curated to help listeners find out what makes great people great.

  5. Social Media Marketing Happy Hour

    Social Media Marketing Happy Hour is all social media, all the time. This series is billed as the podcast for the network marketer, small business owner, entrepreneur, and anyone else ready to learn the latest social media marketing tools and best practices. Each episode is 15 minutes of tactical advice for marketers.